Croda Colombia was established in 2007, initially working with the local market but quickly expanding into the wider Andean region, Central America and Caribbean. Located in one of the main business centres in the capital Bogota, the team is positioned close to customers, enabling it to continue nurturing strong relationships built over years.
Edificio Quantum
Tel: +571 3214230
Croda Colombia
Calle 90 # 19 - 41 Office 601Edificio Quantum
Tel: +571 3214230
Iberchem Colombia S.A.S
Aut. Medellín km. 7
Bodega 88-02, Celta Trade Park
Tel: +571 432 42 81
Política de Tratamiento y Protección de Datos Personales de CRODA SUCURSAL COLOMBIA
pdf - 148.0 KB)
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Supplier Spanish
pdf - 282.8 KB)
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Programa de cumplimento anticorrupcion y de etica global de Croda
pdf - 4.2 MB)
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Como parte de nuestro compromiso con el comercio responsable y ético, desarrollamos un Código de conducta para proveedores, que describe nuestros compromisos de sustentabilidad y principios clave para que los proveedores hagan negocios con nosotros. El Código cubre:
Sostenibilidad Requerimientos legales Conflicto de intereses Derechos humanos
Salud y seguridad Gestión ambiental Soborno y corrupción Minerales de conflicto
Bienestar de los animales Confidencialidad Calidad
Further reading
Launch of first report on biotechnology opportunities in the personal care market
27 September 2022: The “Biotechnology: personal care market report” is the first in a series from Croda which aim to help other forward-thinking companies leverage the opportunities offered by...
U.S. Government to support expansion of Croda lipid systems capability
Today we announce a joint investment with the U.S. government to expand our U.S manufacturing capacity for lipid systems used in novel therapeutic drugs, such as mRNA vaccines
UK Government to support expansion of Croda's lipid systems manufacturing facility
31 March 2022: This investment will significantly enhance the development of high-purity lipid systems, essential delivery systems for next generation nucleic acid drugs such as mRNA vaccines.
Appointment of Chair Designate
22 September 2023: We are pleased to announce the appointment of Danuta Gray as a Non-Executive Director and Chair Designate