Our Commitment
We will be the most sustainable supplier of innovative ingredients. Our action plan for the decade is to be Climate, Land and People Positive by 2030.
We have identified further key performance indicators (KPIs) in addition to Climate, Land and People that are crucial to our success: we call these our Fundamentals. The targets involved represent the required social license to operate for a multinational manufacturing company like Croda.
Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
When developing our Commitment, we assessed the impact of our operations, products and services, and entire value chain. We studied our contribution to each of the SDGs at an individual target level and identified 24 targets from the UN’s 169, across nine goals, that are also drivers of our strategy. These are the areas where we need to reduce our impacts and where we can make the biggest positive contributions. We grouped these around the themes of climate, nature and society - hence our Commitment to be Climate, Land and People Positive.Global pressures
2023 Sustainability Impact Report

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Croda Foundation
Aligning with SDG 17 (global partnerships) applies in all areas: achieving our 2030 Commitment is dependent on productive partnerships with all stakeholders. We are of course contributing to achieving all SDGs through our fundamental objectives and through the work of the Croda Foundation.
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Behavioural and process safety are extremely important for us at Croda, the safety of our employees and neighbours is of paramount importance.
Non-financial performance and reports
We consider our non-financial metrics to be as important as our financial.
Procurement and sustainable sourcing
Using natural resources brings a responsibility to ensure no associated negative social or environmental impacts, and an opportunity to advocate and contribute to positive change.