Paulo Sevilha becomes the new chairman of the Brazilian Cosmetic Association ABC

The Brazilian Cosmetic Association – ABC, a 40 years old non-profit entity, is devoted to promote the development of cosmetic science including technical, scientific and regulatory activities to the cosmetic industry, not only in Brazil but in Latin America as a FELASCC (Latin American Cosmetic Sciences Associations Federation) member. Last April its associates elected its new board of directors for the 2021-2023 period.
The great news is that, for the first time in its history, the entity will be directed by a representative from the cosmetic ingredients industry. It is a pleasure to announce that Paulo Sevilha, Latin America Consumer Care Regional Sales and Marketing Director, will lead the entity.
Supported by the slogan “Together for the Cosmetology Growth”, Paulo Sevilha considers a challenge leading a so representative entity in the cosmetic sector but he assumes it with great sense of responsibility and optimism:
“I’m part of this home since the beginning of my career in the industry and receive the presidency as a gift, a professional recognition after more than 20 years working in the cosmetic sector. I recognise the challenge ahead of us due to the current scenario world is passing thru, but I’m sure we’ll make the turnaround supported by the commitment of the Board and Counsellors, creativity and dedication of our team and the collaboration of all our associates. Together we’ll create plenty of possibilities to the Home of Cosmetology, the meeting point to all in love with the cosmetic science”!
ABC is the IFSCC (International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists) chapter in Brazil and will be organizing its International Global Congress that will take place in 2024 in the country.
We congratulate Paulo on this achievement and wish him all the best being sure ABC will be in good hands under his direction!
Learn more >> Brazilian Cosmetic Association – ABC