Signatory to the if not now then when campaign

Croda International Plc, which uses smart science to create, make and sell speciality chemicals that improve lives, has joined over 70 major UK businesses in becoming a signatory to the Black inclusion business campaign “If Not Now, When?”.
The campaign, which is supported by Audeliss and Involve, supports leaders to create meaningful and long-term change to the real-life experiences of Black and other minority individuals in business.
In becoming a signatory, Croda commits to reporting on its actions and progress annually, including understanding the specific challenges and barriers faced by employees, and tracking representation across the organisation and roles where possible. Through this public commitment the company will also continue to raise awareness and help employees understand the issues faced by Black and minority groups within the organisation as well as creating platforms for the diverse voices within Croda, ensuring they are heard and listened to.
Chief Executive Officer Steve Foots said: “Being part of the If Not Now, When? campaign is a step in a longer journey that we are on to ensure inclusion across all of our business, aligning with our Commitment to become People Positive by 2030. Croda is a multi-geographical and diverse organisation and we firmly believe that all employees should be able to come to work each day feeling respected, valued and able to be give their best.”
The campaign, which is supported by Audeliss and Involve, supports leaders to create meaningful and long-term change to the real-life experiences of Black and other minority individuals in business.
In becoming a signatory, Croda commits to reporting on its actions and progress annually, including understanding the specific challenges and barriers faced by employees, and tracking representation across the organisation and roles where possible. Through this public commitment the company will also continue to raise awareness and help employees understand the issues faced by Black and minority groups within the organisation as well as creating platforms for the diverse voices within Croda, ensuring they are heard and listened to.
Chief Executive Officer Steve Foots said: “Being part of the If Not Now, When? campaign is a step in a longer journey that we are on to ensure inclusion across all of our business, aligning with our Commitment to become People Positive by 2030. Croda is a multi-geographical and diverse organisation and we firmly believe that all employees should be able to come to work each day feeling respected, valued and able to be give their best.”