Atlas Point
Croda develops and manufactures high-performance ingredients and technologies featured in many popular consumer brands as well as health and crop care products. At our Atlas Point manufacturing site, 100% of our electricity is renewable thanks to onsite solar fields and purchased wind energy. We manufacture 100% bio-based surfactants, the first of their kind in the U.S., which are found in soaps, makeup, and cleaning supplies, among other products. Atlas Point’s sustainable practices support Croda’s 1.5°C science-based target and its wider sustainability Commitment to become Climate Positive. Atlas Point is home to an R&D innovation lab and Croda’s community engagement team, which strives to make a positive impact in New Castle.
Approximately 230 employees make up our Atlas Point team, including union members with United Steelworkers AFL-CIO-CLC, Local #12886. We are all deeply committed to supporting our neighbors and the Delaware business community through our engagement efforts and dedication to sustainability.
Have questions about Atlas Point? Contact our Community Engagement team via email, AtlasPoint.CE@croda.com, or via our Community Information Line, +1 (302) 429-5474.

About Our Facility
Croda Atlas Point is deeply committed to the safety of our employees and our community members. We are dedicated to ensuring safe operations at our facility and using our strong commitment to sustainability to continually improve our impact on the environment.
Atlas Point Seeks DNREC Permit for Environmental Control Device
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) approved Croda's permit application for a new steam assisted flare on December 4, 2024. To learn about the next steps of this project, select the downloadable 'Next Steps' document on the right.
DNREC held a permit hearing to review Croda’s permit application for the steam assisted flare on Wednesday, April 24. The meeting was held virtually by Zoom. In an ongoing effort to be transparent with our community and to readily share information about site improvements, this hearing was held at our request.
Croda is voluntarily installing a steam-assisted flare as an environmental precaution. This flare is engineered to burn Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), reducing emissions resulting from malfunctions or upset conditions by 98%. While not required by regulation, Croda is undertaking this initiative to uphold its dedication to environmental responsibility and community well-being. Acknowledging the community's call for reduced emissions and enhanced safety measures, Croda remains committed to investigating opportunities for further site enhancements that resonate with both the company's values and the aspirations of the surrounding neighborhoods.
More information can be found here: dnrec.delaware.gov/events/public-hearing-croda-flare-permit/
For additional information on the flare, please review the downloadable documents on the right for a brief description, Frequently Asked Questions, and next steps.
Flare Next Steps
Flare One-Pager
Flare Q&A
Croda thanks our community partners for highlighting the work we do to support and uplift the community!
Mid-Atlantic Clean Hydrogen Hub
Croda is happy to be participating in the Mid-Atlantic Clean Hydrogen Hub. Learn more about MACH2 on their website.
New Castle Senior Center Luncheon catered by William Penn High School's Penn Bistro
What does Croda love more than supporting a local organization? Supporting TWO local organizations! Learn more about the holiday luncheon that Croda sponsored at the New Castle Senior Center that utilized Penn Bistro- William Penn High School's culinary program here.
Delaware Technical Community College Safety Training Device Donation
Croda was happy to donate a Lock Out Tag Out training device to Delaware Technical Community College's Chemical Operator Program. Lock Out Tag Out is a safety procedure used at our Atlas Point site and we're happy to facilitate the learning of the protocol at the school. Learn more about the donation here. Safety First!
Food Bank of Delaware Donations and Volunteerism
Croda has been working with the Food Bank of Delaware for multiple years to help battle food insecurity in our local community. You can read the entire blog post here
Community Intern Program
Croda loves working with Colonial School District to provide exciting educational opportunities for all ages. Read the article that Colonial's Brian Erskine wrote for the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce's magazine Delaware Business here.
United Steelworkers Magazine
We're honored to have our Steelworkers as the cover and main story of USW@work, the national Steelworkers magazine. Check it out here!
What's that sound? Croda Community Notification System Information
Croda’s Atlas Point facility has an audible community alarm, the Croda Community Notification System (CCNS), which is separate from our site-only alarms for employees. The CCNS is used to alert the community about situations occurring at our site, if ever needed. Working in cooperation with the New Castle County Office of Emergency Management, the CCNS would be used to notify neighbors of an emergency.
Croda Community Notification System (CCNS)
The installation of the Croda Community Notification System (CCNS) is complete. Sirens are located at:
- Atlas Point
- Eisenberg Elementary School
- Police Athletic League (Garfield Park)
- Rose Hill Community Center
The CCNS was installed to ensure our neighboring communities are alerted to any potential situations at our site that could impact public safety. The four sirens comprising our CCNS were simultaneously tested on February 8, 2022. All four sirens were successfully activated during the test.
Going forward, routine siren tests will be performed for one minute at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of every February, May, August, and November. Dates for 2025 are as follows:
- February 11 at 7:00 pm
- May 13 at 7:00 pm
- August 12 at 7:00 pm
- November 11 at 7:00 pm
This notice and the expansion of our alarm system is undertaken as part of the settlement of an enforcement action.
Our sirens are located:
- Along Cherry Lane near the Atlas Point facility
- On Landers Lane, near Eisenberg Elementary School
- On Karlyn Drive, near the Police Athletic League (PAL) Garfield Park site
- On Lambson Lane, near Rose Hill Community Center
Listen to the siren here, and learn what to do if you hear the siren here.
Croda Community Notification System Tone
Giving back
We firmly believe that it is our social obligation to make a positive, lasting difference in our community. Atlas Point is always exploring new community engagement initiatives to invest in. Our employees regularly come together to give back through our 1% Club volunteer program and our STEM Committee. Click on the photos below to learn more about our recent activities.
Atlas Point’s sustainable practices support Croda’s 1.5°C science-based target and its wider sustainability Commitment to become Climate Positive. Atlas Point is also home to our ECO Range, which manufactures 100% bio-based surfactants, the first of their kind in the United States. We are continuously re-evaluating our processes to determine how we can become more sustainable. We have already implemented numerous changes, such as using onsite solar panels and combined heat and power units that are powered by landfill gas. These shifts have resulted in:
- The site running on 100% renewable electricity
- A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity and waste to landfill since 2018
Sustainable Manufacturing at Atlas Point
Community communication
More information on what we are doing to help our local community
As part of our ongoing commitment to keep our neighbors informed, our Community Information Line provides updates about general operations and routine tests at our site. Community members may also call this line to ask questions.
Police/Fire Call 911
Croda Atlas Point Community Information Line - 302-429-5474
CAC members represent the following organizations:
- CHEC Inc.
- Collins Park Civic Association
- Colonial School District
- Community activist groups
- Delaware House of Representatives
- Delaware River and Bay Authority
- Delaware State Police
- Delaware Technical Community College
- FUJIFILM Imaging Colorants
- Holloway Terrace Fire Company
- LEPC for New Castle County
- Northern New Castle County Probation and Parole
- Rose Hill Community Center
Members Of:
Chemistry Industry Council of Delaware
Delaware State Chamber of Commerce
New Castle County Chamber of Commerce
New Castle County Local Emergency Planning Committee
Actively Engaged With:
Delaware Foundation for Science and Mathematics Education
Delaware Sustainable Chemistry Alliance
WILMAPCO Rt 9 Corridor Committees
The Delaware Emergency Notification System
Register on the DENS website here.
The Delaware Emergency Notification System (DENS) is the primary system for public warning and emergency protective action information in the State of Delaware. Municipalities, Counties, and State Agencies utilize the system to inform and warn the public during emergencies that adversely affect the health, safety, and welfare of Delaware citizens. The system allows local 911 centers or emergency managers to send messages to the specific street, neighborhood, or larger areas affected by the event. In the event a line is busy, the DENS system will retry 2 additional times to deliver the message. If an answering machine or voicemail is reached, the system will deliver the emergency message there.
Registering your phone enables DENS to geocode your phone number to your home (or work) address and can send messages to your cell phones and Voice over IP home phones. If an emergency message has a text or e-mail included, registering your phone information will allow you to receive the text or e-mail message.
DENS allows emergency voice messages to be delivered to a home or business within the traditional land line telephone network. If you have this type of phone, your address and phone number is already in the DENS database.